World Religion

Zoroastrianism Brief Introduction and History.

Zoroastrianism The Ancient Religion of Good and Evil.

Zoroastrianism A brief introduction and history- one of the oldest religions of humanity. Founded by the prophet Zarathustra sometimes called Zoroaster. This religion originated in ancient Persia, now Iran.

Some general facts about Zoroastrians:

Zoroastrians, lead by Zoroaster, are the founder of the Zoroastrianism or Persian religion. Based on his name, this religion has been named on the name of “Zoroaster” or Zoroastarianism in different languages ​​of the world.
It is known as Ahura Mazda or Ahura Mazda (meaning “Omniscient One”). Avesta (or Avesta) or Zendavesta is their religious scripture. Persian religion does not worship fire, but Persian Zoroastrians believe that fire can be equivalent to the holiness of God.

Number of Zoroastrian followers;

Today there are around 130,000 Zoroastrians in the world. They live in a few countries: India, America, Canada, Britain, Iran. But 50% of the religion’s adherents, or the Parsis, now reside in India. Mumbai is home to 90 percent of Parsis in India.

The rest are scattered in 10 percent throughout India. In Kolkata, there are approximately 400 members of the Persian population. In November 2015, Zoroastrianism gained 100,000 new adherents as 100,000 members of the Hindu ethnos, recently in history, converted.

The Life of Zoroastrians:

Zarathustra was born in the 6th century B.C.E. He had many visions of a god called Ahura Mazda. Zarathustra taught Ahura Mazda was the supreme god. He had faith in a cosmic struggle between good and evil.

Zoroastrians Beliefs:

There is one God, Ahura Mazda, according to Zoroastrians. They believe in good and evil as well. The main tenets of Zoroastrians are encapsulated in three statements:

Good thoughts

Good words

Good deeds

Fire Temples :

Fire temples — where the Zoroastrians worship. These temples always have fire burning there. The fire symbolizes Ahura Mazda’s light, as well as his wisdom. In fire is sacred.

The Sacred Texts Zoroastrians:

Avesta is the sacred book of Zoroastrians. The Avesta is a collection of hymns, rites, and religious teachings. According to archeological evidence, the oldest text of the Avesta is known as the Gathas. The Gathas, or hymns, of which it is thought that Zarathustra himself was the author.


Many religions were influenced by Zoroastrianism. Some of these religious practices are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Ideas such as heaven, hell and angels might have Zoroastrian origins.

A Short Introduction and History:

The primary religion of the Persian Empire was Zoroastrianism. It built one of the biggest empires in ancient history. Persian culture and laws were also shaped by Zoroastrianism.

Decline and Survival

The decline of Zoroastrianism was brought on by the rise of Islam. Many Zoroastrians fled to India in what are still remembered as poignant days. They are called Parsis in India. Today, Zoroastrian communities can be found in Iran, India and throughout the world.

Zoroastrian Festivals

Zoroastrians celebrate a number of festivals. The biggest is Nowruz, the Persian New Year. Other festivals include:

Yalda – the winter solstice

Mehregan – The Autumn Festival

Sadeh — …” “Discovering fire”—celebrating the discovery of fire, Sadeh.


Zoroastrianism is a small religion today. But its significance to history and culture is, too. Today, Zoroastrians still practice their faith and maintain their traditions.


Zoroastrianism is an ancient faith with a colorful past. It has had an impact on many other religions and cultures. While small today, its teachings are the foundation of people around the globe.

What Is Zoroastrianism?

one the oldest known monotheistic religions in the world, dating back to the prophet Zoroaster in ancient Persia.

Who Founded Zoroastrianism?

The prophet Zoroaster (also known as Zarathustra) founded around the 6th century BCE.

What Are the Main Tenets of Zoroastrianism?

Main teachings of include the belief in good and evil, and the worship of Ahura Mazda, the supreme god.

How Did Zoroastrianism Impact Other Religions?

The concepts of heaven, hell and judgment in other major religions like Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been influenced.

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