South Korea's challenge to sit still for 90 minutes.
There is a strange competition in South Korea called "Space Out"! Do you know what to do in this competition?

The South Korean “Space Out” competition makes contestants spend 90 minutes immobile while forbidding them to worry about basic activities such as sleep. The organizers established this competition to address South Korean work culture and decrease stress levels.
Valentin Villa earned the title of winner during this competition’s annual event. During 90 minutes, he managed to maintain complete stillness and closure of his eyes as he blocked out all surrounding noise and annoyances.
This unique competition displays the working characteristics that characterize South Korean society. People in this work environment face long shifts, producing elevated stress and fatigue. People can participate in the “Space Out” contest to recover from their demanding daily activities by relaxing. The competition represents more than mere entertainment activities. The contest delivers an essential message about mental health care’s criticality and working stress reduction.
Space Out Objectives of the Competition:
Besides its enjoyable nature, The Space Out competition conveys a crucial message to people. South Korean workplaces adopt high-pressure standards along with intense competition. Employee work duration extends beyond regular hours while work-related leave stays limited.
An atmosphere of excessive work continues to shape South Korean work culture, negatively impacting both mental and physical wellness. The Space Out competition reminds people of the importance of relaxation and stillness in their busy lives.
An atmosphere of excessive work continues to shape South Korean work culture, negatively impacting both mental and physical wellness. The Space Out competition reminds people of the importance of relaxation and stillness in their busy lives. According to the presented message, work is only one part of life.

South Korea’s “Space Out” competition:
forbids contestants from thinking about normal activities like sleep and forces them to spend 90 minutes in a state of restlessness. The organizers established the competition to address South Korea’s work culture and reduce stress levels.
Valentina Vils won the annual title of winner of this competition. During the 90 minutes, she was able to completely shut out all noise and distractions around her and maintain complete silence and close her eyes.
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This unique competition showcases the work characteristics that characterize South Korean society. In this workplace, people are exposed to long periods of relaxation, which creates high stress and fatigue. People can participate in the “Space Out” competition to recover from their daily activities through rest. competition represents more than just a recreational activity. The competition delivers an essential message about the critical importance of mental health and reducing work stress.
Space Out Purpose of the competition:
In addition to its enjoyable nature, the Space Out competition conveys an important message to people. South Korean workplaces adopt high-pressure standards along with intense competition. Employees’ working hours are extended beyond regular hours while work-related leave is limited.
Excessive work environments continue to affect South Korea’s work culture, which has a negative impact on mental and physical well-being. The Space Out competition reminds people of the importance of relaxation and stillness in their busy lives.
Excessive work environments continue to affect South Korea’s work culture, which has a negative impact on mental and physical well-being. The Space Out competition reminds people of the importance of relaxation and stillness in their busy lives. According to the message presented, work is just one part of life.