
Detailed Introduction to the Country of Congo Free State: History & Culture

Detailed Introduction to the Congo Free State

The Congo Free State was a large area in Central Africa. It existed from 1885 to 1908. This country was ruled by King Leopold II of Belgium. It was not a Belgian colony. Instead, it was the king’s private property.

Detailed Introduction to the Country of Congo Free State: History & Culture


Detailed Introduction to the Country of Congo Free State: History & Culture


History of the Congo Free State

The Congo Free State was established on February 5, 1885. King Leopold II convinced other European powers to recognize his control over the region. He promised to improve the lives of the local people. But, things t

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Congo Free State?

Congo Free State was a large state in Central Africa.

Who Ruled Congo Free State?

King Leopold II of Belgium ruled the Congo Free State.

When Was Congo Free State Established?

Congo Free State was established in 1885.

What Was The Capital Of Congo Free State?

The capital of Congo Free State was Boma.

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